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STARDUST Microchip Home Page

STARDUST Microchip Home Page

We now have a new home page for the STARDUST microchip:


We are collecting names from the public and placing them
on a microchip the size of a fingernail.  The chip will be
placed inside the STARDUST spacecraft which will visit Comet Wild-2.
Samples of the comet will be collected by the spacecraft and returned
back to Earth, and the microchip will also make the roundtrip.
To date, we have collected 336,000 names, and will continue
to collect names until August 15, 1998.  The names submitted
up through June 5 (~200,000 names) are now listed online on the home page.
I will periodically update the page with the latest submissions.

Bear in mind that this is our second name collection effort.  
Last fall, we've collected 136,000 names which have
been inscribed onto the small chip and placed inside the spacecraft.  
Photos of the first microchip is available on the home page, along with 
a full name listing and the photos and letters added from the STARDUST 
project that have been included onto the chip.

Ron Baalke
STARDUST Webmaster