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Apology to Matt Morgan

Well.  ITOT (it turns out that)  there are limits to how long subject
matter should be sustained before it self-destructs taking out many
members of an elite group.  (The solution to the Red Guard - forward all
e-mails pertaining to bolides.)   The most recent bolide I saw was on a
webcam site of a bowling alley in Idaho.  Now this could open up
speculation about how fast a  16 pound black blob of synthetic matter,
spherical in shape, partially aerodynamically designed (three pocks),
would have to travel to hit both a plane flying from New York to LA and
a train travelling East at 90 mph and would it fragment?  If so, should
we call it a bolide or not? Help!!   (I don't mean to be offensive, but
you have to admit I can do a pretty good job with seemingly little
effort)  Sorry, this is not directed at any one individual.  Best
regards, jj