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"The earlier joint Defense Department-NASA Clementine mission =

to the Moon used a radar-based technique that detected ice =

deposits in permanently shadowed regions of the lunar south pole."

It was subsequently confirmed that ice exists at both poles, where
light=3Dheat is less. This is further substantiated by the fact that the
discovery was made in permanently shadowed areas. So it seems ice can exi=
on the moon, as long as it is not subjected to solar heating. The vacuum =
space and the low gravity depresses the boiling point. Another notable
charateristic of ice is sublimation, where it goes to vapor state without=

forming 'water' (eg, freeze dried foods). I would expect that the stabili=
field for 'water' on the surface of the moon is extremely small.

'Water' below the surface is insulated from the effects of sun, and perha=
also Frank's comets.
