[meteorite-list] Re: Silica jel

From: Ed Majden <epmajden_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:49:01 2004
Message-ID: <003501c13fc2$ab61c040$34974318_at_cc.shawcable.net>

    We use to use silica jel by the bucket full in the military to keep
electronic equipment dry. Dehydrater ovens were used to reactivate the
crystals. I just did a search on the internet using 'Google' and there may
be some heath hazzards associated with its use also. Does anyone know
anything about this? The stuff we used had indicator in it so the note about
lawrencite problems is interesting. Until we get an answer I would use this
stuff with caution.

Ed Majden
Received on Mon 17 Sep 2001 05:49:46 PM PDT

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