[meteorite-list] The Most Expensive Meteorite Ever Sold on eBay (Zagami Mars Meteorite)

From: CMcdon0923_at_aol.com <CMcdon0923_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:16:33 2004
Message-ID: <230E0738.2CDCCCC2.0A2C07BE_at_aol.com>

Using their "estimated" maximum weight of 190 grams, that works out to $2,368 per gram....significantly more than the regular going rate for Zagami. (Hey SELL2ALL.....for something you value at "450 large", go buy a scale.)

BUT....does a piece of this size demand any type of premium? And if so....this much?
Received on Thu 14 Aug 2003 11:40:20 AM PDT

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