[meteorite-list] Re: IMCA Membership/Meteorite or Meteor Wrong?

From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:16:35 2004
Message-ID: <20030822014231.68476.qmail_at_web80513.mail.yahoo.com>

Hi Mike,

Being a member of IMCA doesn't imply that you know
anything more about meteorites than the next

Anymore than NOT being an member should ever imply
that you know less than IMCA members.

IMCA members only hold EACH OTHER to a standard of
never knowingly selling something that they advertise
is a "meteorite", but in fact know is a
That is the only inference that should be made about
IMCA members. Nothing more; nothing less.

So, Mike, I say that you should definitely not wait.
You should join the IMCA now. Even if you never sell
a meteorite from your collection, you will at least
speed up your meteorite education by joining in on
their Yahoo discussion group.

I say "Have fun!", and just join in.
BOb V.


Message: 22
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 17:17:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mike Groetz <mpg444_at_yahoo.com>
To: Meteorite List
Subject: [meteorite-list] IMCA Membership/Meteorite or
Meteor Wrong?

Hi Everyone-
   Tonight I looked ahead a bit on the eBay meteorite
auctions and saw Magellon's (Ken Newton's) auction for
the questionable piece.
   I think this is an excellent way to have drawn the
public's interest to recognizing true specimens verses
those that can mislead people to purchasing alledged
items that are not true meteorites.
   I also really respect the IMCA's values and it's
current membership, but I am not a member and this is
   I do not feel I am currently qualified! I know much
more than I did 2 years ago when I began collecting
and most has been from reading, this meteorite-list,
and working with IMCA members. I have purchased from
Ken and highly respect him and his sincerity and
   My misunderstanding is why should people join that
do not have the experiance of those that have
collected, been dealers and and also some school and
college educators for many years? Does that not water
down the membership? Should these people be selling
using the IMCA logo that are learning as myself?
   I am not knocking those that would like to join-
someday I would like to. But can I not learn as much
the way I have been? Unless I resold a specimen I have
purchased from a current IMCA member I would not feel
qualified to use the IMCA logo.
   OK- I'll be quiet. What do others think?
   Have a good night.
Mike Groetz

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