[meteorite-list] Is there room for a meteorite question ?

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:17:45 2004
Message-ID: <11a.2c2d3e0c.2d0aa15a_at_aol.com>

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And for a more complete stab at answering your question from a proud=20
"newbee". Note you really asked two questions. =20

1. If upon cooling there is expansion and 2. If the density is the same as=20
non-crystalline materials formed on earth in the same ally proportions.=20

To question 1: If I understand your question properly at first reading you=20
think that Fe-Ni mixtures upon cooling in the proper proportions forming tae=
/ kamacite might expand? No way. Those structures do not form until after=20
the alloy is already solid, though in an amorphous (non-crystalline) state w=
selective atom mobility. Those migrations of atoms occur to release heat=20
energy flowing out of the system because of decreasing boundary temperatures=
the law of heat flowing from higher to colder temperatures. The migrations=20
are happening as these new crystal structures settle down from vibrations an=
fall into their little unit cells, allowing for a more dense material. For=20=
expansion they would have to rip apart the already developed solid=20
structure...causing perhaps a very brittle substance even.

Now your other question, whether the "terrestrial" amorphous material has th=
same density as a "crystalline" meteorite material. That's something I'm=20
sure you know if you think a minute. Of course it does not have the same=20
density. So save your iron meteorites for better experiments, and don't mel=
t them to=20
see. The amorphous material probably won't even have as an extremely=20
precisely definable density. It ought to vary because it is amorphous. Whe=
statistics averages the density out or not is a separate question and of cou=
will depend on exactly what alloy %'s you have and how well they are mixed o=
n a=20
macro scale...the history of how the sample was cooled, etc. Does graphite=20
have the same density as diamond? No.

You cite water, when freezing, as expanding as your model, since water (0.92=
g/mL) in equilibrium at 0=C2=B0C is denser than ice (1.00 g/mL). Water is w=
and one of the anomalous things that explains life. The short answer on why=
expands upon decreasing temperature at atmospheric pressure from 4=C2=B0C to=
is a softening of proton (hydrogen) bonding and disruption of that nicely=20
organized structure as it is an ionic (solution) type attraction that is des=
as the molecules begin to fall down from their bounciness caused by higher=20
temperatures. So the destruction of the hydrogen bonds happens upon cooling=
. =20
Another way to say that is the melting of the hydrogen bonds upon cooling=
=E2=80=A6 In=20
its amorphous, hydrogen-bondless state oxygen atoms find themselves not=20
tolerating such close density as before when all were moderated by the hydro=
atoms. So they repel each other an average of about 8% volume increase. Wa=
would be less than 0.92 g/mL at room temperature if not for the hydrogen bon=
 Probably about 0.90, and then it would behave like most of the other=20
molecules upon freezing.

There are no comparably scaled ionic like attractions going on in the metal=20
alloys as they cool. So there is no comparison to the special case of water=
. =20
Additionally, you should know that water ice has about 20 described=20
crystalline structures, and they are, not coincidentally, not all the same d=
ensity! You=20
need to know the history of it. Do you think super cooled hail is the same=20
as the cubes floating in your ice tea? No. And the rockhounds can probably=
come up with a good list of structures with different densities but the same=
molecular proportions.

Every sample is individual: so back to the meteorite experiment. Each=20
meteorite has a different history as in temperatures and pressures. Each ha=
different impurities, so you will need to do more that just reproduce the al=
proportions...actually by now it seems pretty clear that the proposed experi=
is not a good idea. All those impurities disrupt perfect conditions. So=20
oceans don't freeze at 0=C2=B0C, they are a few degrees colder, because of t=
impurities. All that affects densities, not to mention any molecular flatul=
causing micro pores, uniformly or not. Ooops. Just checking to see if anyo=
ne read=20
this far...

PS Ice floats. Can you imagine solid pieces of metal alloy floating as it i=
melted...that was the easier explanation...

Doug Dawn

En un mensaje con fecha 12/11/2003 2:58:13 PM Mexico Standard Time,=20
khill_at_cpsmedical.com escribe:

> Question: When water turns to ice the change to a crystal structure
> expands the volume (decreases density). Does this density/expansion chang=
> also occur with the development of taenite/kamacite
> lattices? ie. at the same temperature is the density of an iron meteorit=
> match the density of a "terrestrial" matching mixture that is
> "noncrystalline"? Guess you could melt down one of your irons and compare=
> Fly Hill
> >----- Original Message -----=20
> >From: "mark ford" <markf_at_ssl.gb.com>
> >To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
> >Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 8:41 AM
> >Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Is there room for a meteorite question ?
> >
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>On the same note, thermal expansion...
> >>
> >>Presumably as the core solidifies (cools down) it would contract, would
> >>it not?, what effect would that have on the crystalline structure
> >>(widmanstatten) would there be a gradual stress/distortion in the
> >>taenite/kamacite boundries ?
> >>
> >>
> >>I guess as the core is such a big mass, any significant thermal
> >>contraction distortion would hardly be noticeable in a small hand
> >>specimen but I would imagine the thermal contraction in something the
> >>size of a large planetary body would be massive.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Mark Ford
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> >--
> >>The information contained in this email may be commercially sensitive
> >and/or
> >>legally privileged. It is intended solely for the person(s) to whom it
> is
> >>addressed. If you are not a named recipient, you are on notice of its
> >status.
> >>Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and then delete
> this
> >>message from your system. You must not disclose it to any other person,
> >>copy or distribute it or use it for any purpose.

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">And for a more complete stab at answering your questio=
n from a proud "newbee".&nbsp; Note you really asked two questions.&nbsp; <B=
1. If upon cooling there is expansion and 2. If the density is the same as n=
on-crystalline materials formed on earth in the same ally proportions. <BR>
To question 1: If I understand your question properly at first reading you t=
hink that Fe-Ni mixtures upon cooling in the proper proportions forming taen=
ite / kamacite might expand?&nbsp; No way.&nbsp; Those structures do not for=
m until after the alloy is already solid, though in an amorphous (non-crysta=
lline) state with selective atom mobility.&nbsp; Those migrations of atoms o=
ccur to release heat energy flowing out of the system because of decreasing=20=
boundary temperatures and the law of heat flowing from higher to colder temp=
eratures.&nbsp; The migrations are happening as these new crystal structures=
 settle down from vibrations and fall into their little unit cells, allowing=
 for a more dense material.&nbsp; For an expansion they would have to rip ap=
art the already developed solid structure...causing perhaps a very brittle s=
ubstance even.<BR>
Now your other question, whether the "terrestrial" amorphous material has th=
e same density as a "crystalline" meteorite material.&nbsp; That's something=
 I'm sure you know if you think a minute.&nbsp; Of course it does not have t=
he same density.&nbsp; So save your iron meteorites for better experiments,=20=
and don't melt them to see.&nbsp; The amorphous material probably won't even=
 have as an extremely precisely definable density.&nbsp; It ought to vary be=
cause it is amorphous.&nbsp; Whether statistics averages the density out or=20=
not is a separate question and of course will depend on exactly what alloy %=
's you have and how well they are mixed on a macro scale...the history of ho=
w the sample was cooled, etc.&nbsp; Does graphite have the same density as d=
iamond?&nbsp; No.<BR>
You cite water, when freezing, as expanding as your model, since water (0.92=
 g/mL) in equilibrium at 0=C2=B0C is denser than ice (1.00 g/mL).&nbsp; Wate=
r is weird, and one of the anomalous things that explains life.&nbsp; The sh=
ort answer on why it expands upon decreasing temperature at atmospheric pres=
sure from 4=C2=B0C to 0=C2=B0C is a softening of proton (hydrogen) bonding a=
nd disruption of that nicely organized structure as it is an ionic (solution=
) type attraction that is destroyed as the molecules begin to fall down from=
 their bounciness caused by higher temperatures.&nbsp; So the destruction of=
 the hydrogen bonds happens upon cooling.&nbsp; Another way to say that is t=
he melting of the hydrogen bonds upon cooling=E2=80=A6&nbsp; In its amorphou=
s, hydrogen-bondless state oxygen atoms find themselves not tolerating such=20=
close density as before when all were moderated by the hydrogen atoms.&nbsp;=
 So they repel each other an average of about 8% volume increase.&nbsp; Wate=
r would be less than 0.92 g/mL at room temperature if not for the hydrogen b=
onding.&nbsp; Probably about 0.90, and then it would behave like most of the=
 other molecules upon freezing.<BR>
There are no comparably scaled ionic like attractions going on in the metal=20=
alloys as they cool.&nbsp; So there is no comparison to the special case of=20=
water.&nbsp; Additionally, you should know that water ice has about 20 descr=
ibed crystalline structures, and they are, not coincidentally, not all the s=
ame density!&nbsp; You need to know the history of it.&nbsp; Do you think su=
per cooled hail is the same as the cubes floating in your ice tea?&nbsp; No.=
&nbsp; And the rockhounds can probably come up with a good list of structure=
s with different densities but the same molecular proportions.<BR>
Every sample is individual: so back to the meteorite experiment.&nbsp; Each=20=
meteorite has a different history as in temperatures and pressures.&nbsp; Ea=
ch has different impurities, so you will need to do more that just reproduce=
 the alloy proportions...actually by now it seems pretty clear that the prop=
osed experiment is not a good idea.&nbsp; All those impurities disrupt perfe=
ct conditions.&nbsp; So oceans don't freeze at 0=C2=B0C, they are a few degr=
ees colder, because of the impurities.&nbsp; All that affects densities, not=
 to mention any molecular flatulence causing micro pores, uniformly or not.&=
nbsp; Ooops.&nbsp; Just checking to see if anyone read this far...<BR>
PS Ice floats.&nbsp; Can you imagine solid pieces of metal alloy floating as=
 it is melted...that was the easier explanation...<BR>
Doug Dawn<BR>
En un mensaje con fecha 12/11/2003 2:58:13 PM Mexico Standard Time, khill_at_cp=
smedical.com escribe:<BR>
: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px"><BR>
Question:&nbsp;&nbsp; When water turns to ice the change to a crystal struct=
expands the volume (decreases density).&nbsp; Does this density/expansion ch=
also occur with the development of taenite/kamacite<BR>
lattices?&nbsp; ie.&nbsp; at the same temperature is the density of an iron=20=
match the density of a "terrestrial" matching mixture that is<BR>
"noncrystalline"?&nbsp; Guess you could melt down one of your irons and comp=
Fly Hill<BR>
&gt;----- Original Message ----- <BR>
&gt;From: "mark ford" &lt;markf_at_ssl.gb.com&gt;<BR>
&gt;To: &lt;meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com&gt;<BR>
&gt;Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 8:41 AM<BR>
&gt;Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Is there room for a meteorite question ?<B=
&gt;&gt;On the same note, thermal expansion...<BR>
&gt;&gt;Presumably as the core solidifies (cools down) it would contract, wo=
&gt;&gt;it not?, what effect would that have on the crystalline structure<BR=
&gt;&gt;(widmanstatten) would there be a gradual stress/distortion in the<BR=
&gt;&gt;taenite/kamacite boundries ?<BR>
&gt;&gt;I guess as the core is such a big mass, any significant thermal<BR>
&gt;&gt;contraction distortion would hardly be noticeable in a small hand<BR=
&gt;&gt;specimen but I would imagine the thermal contraction in something th=
&gt;&gt;size of a large planetary body would be massive.<BR>
&gt;&gt;Mark Ford<BR>
&gt;&gt;The information contained in this email may be commercially sensitiv=
&gt;&gt;legally privileged. It is intended solely for the person(s) to whom=20=
&gt;&gt;addressed. If you are not a named recipient, you are on notice of it=
&gt;&gt;Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and then delete=
&gt;&gt;message from your system. You must not disclose it to any other pers=
&gt;&gt;copy or distribute it or use it for any purpose.<BR>
Received on Thu 11 Dec 2003 11:43:06 PM PST

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