[meteorite-list] NP Article, 01-1919 Md Excited Over Meteor

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:18:02 2004
Message-ID: <BAY4-DAV22r6beUzmRf000287be_at_hotmail.com>

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Paper: Frederick Post =20
City: Frederick, Maryland =20
Date: Monday, January 13, 1919
Page: 1

MD. Excited Over Meteor
Countains Believe Object Struck Earth At Mt. Airy Last Night
Baltimore And Ohio Railroad Signal Tower Building At Mr. Airy Junction Sh=
aken When Body Struck Ground: Some Saw 'Huge Ball Fire'
A heavenly body supposed to have been a meteorite, flashed across the eas=
tern sky at 10 minutes after 6 o'clock last evening, producing a brillian=
t and illuminating light followed in some localities by a report resembli=
ng distant thunder. The light came from a clear sky and war witnessed by =
hundred of persons and all over the county. A report from Baltimore state=
d that the light was visible in every section of the State and caused spe=
culation and inquiry from thousands of persons. It is thought that the me=
teorite fell in the vicinity of Mt. Airy Junction.
The light was particularly visible along the Baltimore and Caro (?) Railr=
oad from Brunswich to Baltimore. Hundreds of persons in the county who sa=
w the light and thought that it came from an automobile on an adjoining r=
G. M. Golbert, telegraph operator at the signal station, Mt. Airy Junctio=
n, saw the light and heard the report. Immediately following the report, =
said Mr. Goldbert, the detonation rattled the windows in the station and =
preceptibly shook the building. He said the light disappeared immediately=
 after the report and it created the impression in his mind that a muniti=
on plant or a large factory had exploded. Others compared the rumbling so=
und to an earthquake detonation. Mt. Airy Junction was the only place to =
report the explosion was of sufficient force to shake a building and it i=
s thought that fragments of the meteorite fall in that locality.
Roger Snyder, telegraph operator at the signal tower, Adamstown, stated t=
hat he stepped outside for a glass of water when the light flashed. Looki=
ng up, he said, he saw a ball of fire traveling eastward. When at a point=
 apparently under the moon, the ball exploded with a report and instantly=
 emitted a light and extinguished. After returning to his office reports =
came over the wire east and west concerning the light.
Many inquiries came over the telephone to The Post from different part of=
 the county asking about the light. Some of the inquirers declared they h=
eard a report while other state that they saw the bright flash. Two men o=
n Patrick street state that they saw the ball of fire and it was so brill=
iant and apparently so near the earth that one remarked "lookout or that =
ball of fire will strike you." Reports from New Market, Frederick Junctio=
n, Point of Rocks, Buckystown, Boubs, Washington Junction, Brunswick, Thu=
rmont and Emmitsburg were to the effect that the light had been seen. In =
the eastern section, however, the illumination seemed more brilliant and =
attracted more attention.
Dr. Joseph H. Applie, president of Hood College, an astronomy student, st=
ated that while he did not see the light from its description it must hav=
e been a meteorite, which became ignited when it came in contact the eart=
h's atmosphere, which extends 60 miles above the earth. He said meteorite=
s are constantly passing through space but do not ignite until striking o=
ut atmosphere, which extends 60 miles above the earth. He said meteorites=
 are constantly passing through space during the months of August and Nov=
ember and are commonly called "shooting stars." They are either pieces of=
 a small planet or a small piece of a planet that follows the course of i=
ts orb and finally reached the earth. Subjected to intense heat the piece=
s become a composition of iron. Pieces of meteorite, weighing as much as =
two towns, have been found imbedded in the earth. It is not uncommon, he =
said, to see on exhibition in museums large pieces of meteorites that hav=
e been found imbedded in the ground. It is only when the meteorite comes =
in contact with our atmosphere, he added, that it ignites from friction a=
nd exploded.
Mark Note: Meteorites A to Z, does not list any meteorite having fallen a=
t this time and location. (Looking foward to Meteorites A to Z Second Edi=

Please visit, www.MeteoriteArticles.com, a free on-line archive of meteor=
 and meteorite articles.

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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV><B><FONT size=3D=
2> <P>Paper: Frederick Post </P> <P>City: Frederick, Maryland </P> <P>Dat=
e: Monday, January 13, 1919</P> <P>Page: 1</P> <P>&nbsp;</P></B> <P>MD. E=
xcited Over Meteor</P> <P>Countains Believe Object Struck Earth At Mt. Ai=
<P>Baltimore And Ohio Railroad Signal Tower Building At Mr. Airy Junction=
 Shaken When Body Struck Ground: Some Saw 'Huge Ball Fire'</P> <P>A heave=
nly body supposed to have been a meteorite, flashed across the eastern sk=
y at 10 minutes after 6 o'clock last evening, producing a brilliant and i=
lluminating light followed in some localities by a report resembling dist=
ant thunder. The light came from a clear sky and war witnessed by hundred=
 of persons and all over the county. A report from Baltimore stated that =
the light was visible in every section of the State and caused speculatio=
n and inquiry from thousands of persons. It is thought that the meteorite=
 fell in the vicinity of Mt. Airy Junction.</P> <P>The light was particul=
arly visible along the Baltimore and Caro (?) Railroad from Brunswich to =
Baltimore. Hundreds of persons in the county who saw the light and though=
t that it came from an automobile on an adjoining road.</P> <P>G. M. Golb=
ert, telegraph operator at the signal station, Mt. Airy Junction, saw the=
 light and heard the report. Immediately following the report, said Mr. G=
oldbert, the detonation rattled the windows in the station and preceptibl=
y shook the building. He said the light disappeared immediately after the=
 report and it created the impression in his mind that a munition plant o=
r a large factory had exploded. Others compared the rumbling sound to an =
earthquake detonation. Mt. Airy Junction was the only place to report the=
 explosion was of sufficient force to shake a building and it is thought =
that fragments of the meteorite fall in that locality.</P> <P>Roger Snyde=
r, telegraph operator at the signal tower, Adamstown, stated that he step=
ped outside for a glass of water when the light flashed. Looking up, he s=
aid, he saw a ball of fire traveling eastward. When at a point apparently=
 under the moon, the ball exploded with a report and instantly emitted a =
light and extinguished. After returning to his office reports came over t=
he wire east and west concerning the light.</P> <P>Many inquiries came ov=
er the telephone to The Post from different part of the county asking abo=
ut the light. Some of the inquirers declared they heard a report while ot=
her state that they saw the bright flash. Two men on Patrick street state=
 that they saw the ball of fire and it was so brilliant and apparently so=
 near the earth that one remarked "lookout or that ball of fire will stri=
ke you." Reports from New Market, Frederick Junction, Point of Rocks, Buc=
kystown, Boubs, Washington Junction, Brunswick, Thurmont and Emmitsburg w=
ere to the effect that the light had been seen. In the eastern section, h=
owever, the illumination seemed more brilliant and attracted more attenti=
on.</P> <P>Dr. Joseph H. Applie, president of Hood College, an astronomy =
student, stated that while he did not see the light from its description =
it must have been a meteorite, which became ignited when it came in conta=
ct the earth's atmosphere, which extends 60 miles above the earth. He sai=
d meteorites are constantly passing through space but do not ignite until=
 striking out atmosphere, which extends 60 miles above the earth. He said=
 meteorites are constantly passing through space during the months of Aug=
ust and November and are commonly called "shooting stars." They are eithe=
r pieces of a small planet or a small piece of a planet that follows the =
course of its orb and finally reached the earth. Subjected to intense hea=
t the pieces become a composition of iron. Pieces of meteorite, weighing =
as much as two towns, have been found imbedded in the earth. It is not un=
common, he said, to see on exhibition in museums large pieces of meteorit=
es that have been found imbedded in the ground. It is only when the meteo=
rite comes in contact with our atmosphere, he added, that it ignites from=
 friction and exploded.</P> <P>Mark Note: Meteorites A to Z, does not lis=
t any meteorite having fallen at this time and location. (Looking foward =
to Meteorites A to Z Second Edition..:-)</P></FONT><BR><BR>Please visit, =
www.MeteoriteArticles.com, a free on-line archive of meteor and meteorite=

Received on Sun 21 Dec 2003 02:18:37 AM PST

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