[meteorite-list] Origin of the Moon& God

From: Mark Miconi <mam602_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:21:02 2004
Message-ID: <000901c347e1$182075a0$d7e16a44_at_ph.cox.net>

This thread will not die due to CPR - Can't Put it to Rest. If everyone
would not chime in it will die.

Mark M.
Phoenix AZ
----- Original Message -----
From: John Gwilliam <jkg_at_theriver.com>
To: ari machiz <a_machiz_at_yahoo.com>; <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Origin of the Moon& God

> Hello List,
> I was hoping this thread would die quickly and quietly after Geoff's
> post. However, it seems it (the thread) is determined to hold on to life
> with a death grip and continue to gasp for air one weak breath at a time.
> Since it's Friday and the traffic on this list is slow, I'll offer an
> analogy that I think most of you can relate to. This debate between
> religion and science has been going on for centuries and it makes at least
> one visit to this list every year. Nothing is ever resolved - no one ever
> wins the argument, because there is no correct answer to this issue.
> It's sort of like this. My wife, who is a business professional, usually
> comes home from a day of shopping and drags me up to the bedroom to see
> new clothes she had bought. Invariably, she will put on one of here new
> dresses, and ask, "Honey, does this dress make me look fat?"
> No matter which way you answer the question, it's the wrong answer. Dead
> wrong. You see, if I say "yes", then I'm deader than a grasshopper in a
> chicken coop. If I say "no", then the rest of the day is trashed after
> first question fired back at me..."so, what's that supposed to mean?"
> Bottom line is don't answer the question in the first place. Instead,
> quickly change the subject by saying, "hey...let's go to [insert the name
> of her favorite restaurant here] for dinner and we might have enough time
> afterwards to go buy a few more of those gorgeous dresses."
> It's the same with the Creation/Evolution thing. No one is ever going to
> win over the other person by saying what they think is true, so why waste
> your time trying. Instead, go do something more productive, like going
> to dinner.
> Have a Good Weekend,
> John
> At 10:36 AM 7/11/03 -0700, ari machiz wrote:
> >Hi list.
> >
> >Stephen Hawking says that the beginning of time does not preclude a
> >creator. Still, I don't remember him going on about Jesus Christ being
> >way to heaven, or A. C. Baktividanta Swami Prabhupada being the true
> >almighty representative of the lord for mankind.
> >
> >I wonder if meteorites ever end up being discussed on the Jews for Jesus
> >forum.
> >
> >If God is responsible for meteorites, we'll all know when we die, or if
> >there is a suspension of natural law dealing with meteorites. The bottom
> >line is that religion boils down to faith, a word that does not enter the
> >scientific dictionary.
> >
> >Let's keep the witnessing to that of meteorites.
> >
> >If I am out of line, please feel free to reprimand me on or off list.
> >
> >
> >Ari Machiz
> >
> >
> >Do you Yahoo!?
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Received on Fri 11 Jul 2003 03:17:38 PM PDT

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