[meteorite-list] Steve Schoner

From: Tim Heitz <midwestmeteor_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:47 2004
Message-ID: <3E6E9FA9.8010503_at_earthlink.net>

Thank You ------Matteo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It humbles me greatly thinking about what Steve's going through.

I heard the doctor say to my parents:
"I just want to give you a warning... Do not get your
hopes up too high, for a person in Steve's condition
usually does not come back. And if so, they are quite
disabled after..."

Thank You Again -----Matteo,
Tim Heitz

M come Meteorite Meteorites wrote:

>Hello all
>This is a email Steve have sent to me few days ago:
>To all,
>I would like to thank all of you that sent me kind
>letters of encouragement while I was in the hospital
>for over a month.
>I am recovering. It is hard to say where I will be a
>in the months ahead. My language skills are good, but
>there are areas of my brain that are not so well.
>Hard to say what I was like before this happened, but
>I do know that there areas that I will have to focus
>on to come back fully.
>It will be a long period of rehab.
>It is amazing what a month in the hospital can do to
>ones muscles.
>Anyway-- here is what happened.
>I fell ill in in the early part of Jan. I was ill for
>two days, and getting worse by the moment. Then on
>the first day of the illness one of the plant lights
>came on, and I wanted to turn it off. I got up to do
>so, and I noticed that my right side was going limp,
>but still not completely gone. Then when I got to the
>light, I found that I could not turn off the light. It
>was as if I could not figure it out-- Shutting a light
>It did not make sense.
>But there it was... I could not figure it out. I knew
>then that something was very, very wrong with me. Yet
>I could not express what it was. I was quickly losing
>my ability to speak.
>I slept through the night, and into the next day, and
>my wife was wondering what was wrong with me. After
>seeing me, she decided that it would be best to take
>me to the hospital...which she did.
>It was there that the real nightmare began... The
>condition was rapidly getting worse and I was
>beginning to lose consciousness. I went through two
>MRI's then the lights went out as I went into a coma.
>A very strange thing happened at that point. I saw a
>number of very strange things. I could see my brain
>being "worked" on by someone with medical tools of
>some kind. I tried to turn my direction to the sound
>to see who they were but they vanished. Then, a most
>amazing thing happened... I saw my folks, my father,
>brother, wife and a doctor in the room together. Now,
>what makes this so strange is that I wear very thick
>glasses, so thick that I cannot see with out them.
>Now, even though I was in a coma, unable to see, and
>not having my glasses at the hospital, I saw them
>clearly, better than I have ever seen them before.
>I heard the doctor say to my parents:
>"I just want to give you a warning... Do not get your
>hopes up too high, for a person in Steve's condition
>usually does not come back. And if so, they are quite
>disabled after..."
>I heard this clearly, and wondered about it, for at
>the time, I seemed okay.
>And I also had a religious experience too, a NDE...
>very profound and very intense.
>What did I have?
>ADEM (Acute Dessemminating Encypalo-Mylitus), a very
>rare disease that has since first discovered in 1941
>affecting about 1500 people world wide. No one knows
>what cases it, and there is no cure. It just happens
>and those so affected usually wind up as vegitalbles
>or dead... very, very few survive retaining all of
>their functions.
>My prognosis did not look good, for the ones that did
>survive were usually 5 to 7. With just a few in my 52
>year age group. (In fact, I think that I am the
>oldest survivor, but I will have to look it up).
>I survived it... Coming out of the coma after 5 days,
>and not knowing where I was or what was going on
>around me. My right side was gone, could not use it.
>And my left brain was in limbo, not able to comprehend
>where I was. It did not look good. But I tried to
>grasp where I was, and it soon became evident that I
>was in a hospital, with nurses around me, and that
>somehow, I was there because something had happened to
>me. My right side was limp and gone, and I knew that
>this was the reason. And I also knew from the weird
>focus of my left brain that the world was different
>than what I had experienced. And as I probed my
>thought processes things began to come back. But I
>could not talk until 15 days after, and only in very
>broken sentences. Eventually, my linguistic skills
>are very good, but my math, and other math related
>skills are pretty much gone. And my right side is
>back, but it feels somewhat strange as at times it
>does not feel like it belongs to me.
>I also found that the doctors had cut a 5.5 inch hole
>in my head to get a portion of my brain for analysis,
>which of course they then sewed up. I suspect that
>much of my problems might be due to this, but under
>the conditions that I was in, the doctors had no
>choice... They had to know... nothing was found...
>which is typical of ADEM
>Where am I now... I am coming back. Not fully here,
>but coming.
>And I want to thank everyone here for having prayed
>for me in this very trying time.
>I am a different person now, seeing things
>differently. It takes something like this to really
>change a person's perspective.
>Best Regards,
>Steve Schoner
>--- almitt <almitt_at_kconline.com> wrote:
>>Hi list,
>>I haven't heard any word on how Steve is doing or if
>>he is better. I talked to Daryl
>>in Tucson about him but haven't heard an update for
>>a while. I hope he is doing well.
>>I certainly miss his posts here on meteorites as I
>>am sure others do. If someone can
>>give the list an update I am sure many would
>>appreciate it. All my best!
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