[meteorite-list] Images of Wales meteor (no boring aeroplane)

From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:21 2004
Message-ID: <3F7F425E.8020901_at_dlc.fi>

Bjørn Sørheim wrote:

>Hello Marco & List,
>I wonder what you really are doing here, Marco?
>Is this what you would call science or 'seeking the truth'?
>Are you trying to find the best explanation, or is it something else?

Well, as far as I know, Marco is one of the pioners with the bolides,
and the dutch sky-cam network is one of the best in the world, so I
highly apreciate his opinions in these cases.

We had a bolide-case in Finland last February, and the knowledge and
experience of Marco was a great help. In fact I supppose, Marco has
seen more pics of bolidies than we all others on the list together.

take care,

pekka s


Pekka Savolainen
Jokiharjuntie 4
FIN-71330 Rasala
+ 358 400 818 912
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