[meteorite-list] Understanding ROCKS from Meteorites and other notions

From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:23 2004
Message-ID: <3F84C61C.3000207_at_fascination.com>

Dear List;
If you are rather new to meteorites and rocks.....and the difference
between the two is confusing, try visiting Bob's Rockshop Website, the
home of Rock and Gem Magazine. There are plenty of links for your study
of rocks.

My favorite rock book for my education is The Audubon Society Field
Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals. This book has a zillion
color pictures, tons of reading about minerals and the rocks that are
made up of minerals.

Bob doesn't really have a rock shop....he has a magazine and a web site!

There is, at "Bob's Rock Shop" web site, a link to the North American
Federation of Mineralogical Societies, where one can look up one's home
state to find a list of all of the rock clubs in your state, Arizona has
24 clubs listed. I recommend for new rock collectors that thirst for
knowledge of rocks and the relationship between rocks and rocks from
space to join a rock club and bring in all of your locally found
meteorwrong specimens for help in identifying them from space rocks.
 Club members love a new challenge and new member interest. There
already may be meteorite collectors in the club.

For meteorite help, try Rocks From Space by O. Richard Norton for your
first book. Most larger libraries have it if you can not afford one today.

Hope this helps,
Dave Freeman
A very proud rockhound too!
ebay user ID mjwy With items now posted.
Received on Wed 08 Oct 2003 10:21:16 PM PDT

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