[meteorite-list] India report #2.

From: M come Meteorite Meteorites <mcomemeteorite2000_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:25 2004
Message-ID: <20031010213615.24000.qmail_at_web10302.mail.yahoo.com>

> Matteo,
> Your mail is filtered into my trash bin but others
> continue to quote
> your e-mails on their posts. I do not want to be
> included in your
> "satisfied customer" group so I'll speak up as you
> have asked. In fact,
> I have spoken up for over a year if you had noticed.
> Have you ever
> visited my Links page on my Meteorite Studies
> website? If so you would
> have seen a link at the end of the list titled "Once
> burnt, twice shy".
> I maintain this page with all due deliberation.
> David

Item purchased was not classified as advertised. Very
poor communication.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........ you have look my sale site?
Now I not remember what you have buy, if is NWA 1058
or 1054, but one is a primitive achondrite like
winonaite exit in the last Met.Bull. if is NWA 1054 is
a achondrite acapulcoite. First to write idiocies look
the updatings. However most of you disappointed me in
all of the fronts, people that I thought adult instead
show themselves alone of the children that beat the
foots on the ground, like if the argument meteorites
is of USA property, when the history of meteorites is
born in Europe. Who wants knows where to find me,
sincerely speack with similar persons I am not
interested. This is my last email I write on this
argument, now I know from who to keep a distance and I
will know to inform also the others.

without not any respect


M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
Email: mcomemeteorite2000_at_yahoo.it
Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.com Collection Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info
International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140
MSN Messanger: spacerocks_at_hotmail.com

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