[meteorite-list] Cosmos 96/Kecksburg

From: Francis Graham <francisgraham_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:34 2004
Message-ID: <20031022170401.95040.qmail_at_web40101.mail.yahoo.com>

>Interestingly, the
>spacecraft in question appears to have been a
>Venera lander (a mission to
>Venus) that failed to leave parking orbit. More
>info, including (highly
>critical) comments if this was the source of the
>Kecksburg bolide, can be
>found at:
  Soooo... it now appears possible the USA has a
Venera lander. I wonder where all the stuff (including
the Upper Volta meteorite mentioned in the earlier
NASA memo) is?
  For that matter, I wonder where Clarence Caldwell's
airplanes are?
  Clarence Caldwell was a aviation experimenter that
made airplanes with round wings in the 1930's. Nothing
dramatic, I am afraid, just standard piper-cub like
airplanes with round wings and propellers. No strange
   Nonetheless, when the UFO controversy broke out, in
the late 1940's, the USAF sent a black bag team and
got his airplanes out of a tobacco curing shed he left
them in years before. This was mistakenly publicized
by the local police chief in local papers near Glen
Burnie, MD.
   The airplanes were carted off to--where? What
became of them? They would be good for a local
aviation history museum. But that is off topic, except
by comparison to the Kecksburg "meteorite" case, so I
go no further.
Francis Graham

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