[meteorite-list] footage

From: almitt <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Apr 26 15:26:26 2004
Message-ID: <408D621F.59206112_at_kconline.com>

Hi Jo,

Not sure if I know which fall you are referring to but sounds like a combination of
several falls. Probably the one you want is the Peekskill Fall which actually struck a
car (red Malibu) and left a large dent in the trunk. Michael Knapp was inside watching
TV when the event occurred. This was one of the wide spread witnessed falls that was
video taped.

Somewhere on the net there is a video of this fall. You can go to AL Lang's website
and look at the car and the Peekskill Meteorite.

There was a fall (before video was in widespread use) which fell on a house in Alabama
and ended up hitting the thigh of the lady who was in the house also. Also some houses
in Weston, Conn. and of course the more recent Park Forest fall which hit a house
while a young boy was asleep.

One other good website would be Walter Branches website as he has various meteor falls
that have hit things. All my best!

Received on Mon 26 Apr 2004 03:25:19 PM PDT

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