[meteorite-list] Mercurian origin of NWA 011

From: j.divelbiss_at_att.net <j.divelbiss_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Aug 18 23:41:21 2004
Message-ID: <081920040341.20927.412421530005DFB6000051BF21587667209C9C070D040A90070BD206_at_att.net>

Bernd and others,

Help me out here...I thought mean density(of 5 or so) meant that the average for the body included the core.

And that Earth was about 5 also with the surface around 3 and the core around 7 or 8....with a lot of 5 rocks in between. Our basalts are also in the 3.3 range are they not?

So why can't rocks with densities in the 3's be from Mercury? Not sure how desnity of NWA 011 rules out Mercury as a candidate.


-------------- Original message from bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de: --------------

> Hello List,
> One major problem with a mercurian origin of NWA 011 is probably
> its density. If its specific gravity is in the vicinity of 3.03 ± 0.06 (i.e.
> the density of the Juvinas eucrite), it is not dense enough. Mercury's
> mean density is about 5.4 g/cm^3 (which, by the way, is also too high
> for the enstatite chondrites whose density is 3.4-3.7 g/cm^3).
> Best wishes,
> Bernd
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Received on Wed 18 Aug 2004 11:41:08 PM PDT

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