[meteorite-list] NOT well fed ducks

From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Dec 5 04:07:18 2004
Message-ID: <BDD8104D.148DE%mlblood_at_cox.net>

Dear Bill & Stan,
        I hop you are right and I am wrong.
        Nothing would please me more than for nothing to come of this.
        Best wishes, Michael

on 12/5/04 12:20 AM, joseph_town_at_att.net at joseph_town@att.net wrote:

> Michael,
> I have considered all of this. You always try to reduce the people you
> disagree with to a lesser denominator. My mind works pretty well and
> experience tells me not to argue with you. It's a waste of time. You are an
> erudite master of all things in your own mind. Your proclamations are boring.
> Why do you say I must reconsider an opinion that you are insinuating is
> negative? I said these people are imbeciles. I also said you are fueling the
> fire. If you're so damn smart YOU take them to court and put it all to rest.
> Settle it with all your vast knowledge. Forget the lectures. Use your delete
> button until then.
> Bill
> is it more than a bunch of quaks? this web page has been up for years. have
> i missed some report on cnn about the dangers of allowing the meteorite
> hobby to funnel money into the hands of islamic terrorists? if their nwa
> claims werent a threat to the meteorite community 2 or 3 years ago when
> things were done to combat terrorism on a whim with little thought given to
> the situation, why are they a threat today?
> granted i havent followed the list much as of late, but why the big ruckus
> about claims that are obviously nonsense now?
> confussed
> stan
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_cox.net>
>> Well, Bill,
>> The answer to this is simple:
>> This is not a bunch of quacking. This is accusing every dealer
>> and every collector who has ever purchased a NWA meteorite from
>> anyone but them of contributing to terrorism.
>> If you think that is mere quacking, just see if, in fact, some
>> bureaucratic nit wit doesn't rise to the bate and start slamming doors
>> shut on freedom of commerce in regards to meteorites! Possibly many
>> bureaucratic nit wits. This could have repercussions, not only in the
>> free flow of NWA material, but of all meteoritic material.
>> If you think this is mere quacking, then I do not believe you have
>> reflected upon the depth of tragedy involved in the 9/11 incident.
>> If you think this is mere quacking, then I guess you think it is ok
>> to use the names of men of such contributions to the meteorite community
>> as Art Jones, Bernd Pauli, Jeff Grossman and many others to try to "prove"
>> all dealers and collectors except your self are contributing to terrorism.
>> You don't think these acts hold the most profound potential to
>> disrupt the free flow and availability of meteorites?
>> This is much, much more than "quacking." This is a truly serious
>> threat to the world meteorite community.
>> Your questioning of the seriousness of this situation truly makes
>> me wonder about how aware you are of how the world works. If one does
>> not see the enormously negative potential that has been generated by this
>> web site they are lacking in both experience and in imagination.
>> Bill, I encourage you to rethink your perspective on these matters.
>> Most sincerely, Michael Blood
>> on 12/4/04 11:23 PM, joseph_town_at_att.net at joseph_town@att.net wrote:
>>> So much has been made of this.
>>> Why are these ducks being so well fed? Why don't you use your much touted
>>> delete button, Michael Blood?
>>> Bill
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Received on Sun 05 Dec 2004 04:09:33 AM PST

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