[meteorite-list] Orientated.

From: McomeMeteorite Meteorite <meteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Dec 6 01:55:32 2004
Message-ID: <BAY2-F877B538D864697E6F4E26C0B40_at_phx.gbl>


here one


here second


>From: Jonathan Gore <jonathan301_at_earthlink.net>
>Reply-To: jonathan301_at_earthlink.net
>CC: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Orientated.
>Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 00:26:41 -0500
> [Q] From David Holland: ?I am uneasy about the word orientated as in
>business-orientated. I feel the word should be oriented. Am I right, wrong,
>pedantic, or what??
>[A] We have a minor oddity here, in that both orient and orientate come
>from the same French verb, orienter, but were introduced at different
>times, the shorter one in the eighteenth century and the longer in the
>middle of the nineteenth. There?s been a quiet war going on between the two
>of them ever since. I tend to use oriented and orientated pretty
>indiscriminately myself, choosing the shorter one when it seems to fit the
>flow of the sentence. Robert Burchfield, in the Third Edition of Fowler?s
>Modern English Usage, says ?one can have no fundamental quarrel with anyone
>who decides to use the longer of the two words?. But all this is a British
>view, since here orientated is common; in the US it is less so and
>considered much less a part of the standard language. So, as always, it?s
>as much a case of who you are writing for and where you are doing so.
>Source: http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-ori1.htm
>McCartney Taylor wrote:
>>Hate to bust everyone's bubble, but orientated is a word. But I don't
>>think you mean to use it.
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