[meteorite-list] possible explanation for that strange object

From: Mark Van Tomme <markvantomme_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Dec 10 16:50:53 2004
Message-ID: <20041210215051.11422.qmail_at_web41010.mail.yahoo.com>

Hi folks,
Here's what I think that pic could be.I didn't go
through all the posts so may be someone has already
posted something similar...
Actually that thing could be a "globular lighting". A
ball of plasma or highly ionized gas. They have some
stability, lasting up to a few minutes in some rare
cases.They are formed during regular storms but can
also appear when the weather is good.Their color range
from orange to red, those things can reach speeds up
to 100km/h. Their dynamics are independent from
gravity or wind direction and last point(at last..)
they make a strange noise and smell like sulfur or
Haven't any of you ever heard of those balls that come
out of the fireplace just after a lightining?

Hope that helps


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