[meteorite-list] Hunters' Kits / Tucson / Sunday / Wilcox Playa

From: Matson, Robert <ROBERT.D.MATSON_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:20 2004
Message-ID: <AF564D2B9D91D411B9FE00508BF1C86904EE5985_at_US-Torrance.mail.saic.com>

Look forward to hunting with you on Sunday, Nick! For anyone in need
of a STRONG magnet, Nick's the man. He loves tearing apart old disk
drives, where you'll find some truly dangerous magnets. Bring two of
these together at your own risk. (I'd also advise keep them far from
television sets, computer monitors and analog watches.) I still use
the diskdrive magnet Nick gave me about 4 years ago -- works like a
charm. I have a couple other rare-earths that are nearly as strong
that I'll bring along in case we end up with more people than magnets.

Show of (cyber) hands for those going to Wilcox on Sunday? Based on
Adam's original e-mail, and late additions (including myself), we
must be approaching 15 or more people. It will certainly be the
largest group hunt of which I've been a part (assuming weather stays
cooperative). With all those eyes, surely something will be found!

Received on Mon 02 Feb 2004 01:59:01 PM PST

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