[meteorite-list] Where Were You When It Happened 35 Years Ago.? AD also

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jul 21 07:15:13 2004
Message-ID: <20040721111301.30455.qmail_at_web53202.mail.yahoo.com>

Dear List:
    It was like it happened yesterday. I was 10. We
drove to Grandpa`s house because we didn`t have a TV.
All family members stood or sat as the action unfolded
on Grandpa`s 10 inch B/W TV. Wow. We were first; I
remember the pride of the average American and the awe
around the world.
   Eyes were glued to the far away adventure that was
playing before our eyes. Walter Condkrite (sp?)
giving the words to the drama that was happening. His
words gave a godlike aura to the event.
   Slowly after 10pm? Colorado time we saw the history
of mankind`s acheivement! Wow it really happened!!!!

Now 35 years later it seems like it was a dream.
Thanks. Dirk Ross....Tokyo

If anyone collects Apollo memorabilia I have Apollo
pins to mark the event. They are $50+$3 shipping each
and I have sold some for double. Let me know if you
are interested as I only have a few. dr

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Received on Wed 21 Jul 2004 07:13:01 AM PDT

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