[meteorite-list] curious....

From: Ryan Darby <rdarby_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jul 21 21:39:42 2004
Message-ID: <C74B71531B20BD4C92F30CA1A755369C2F0EB2_at_conan.internal.comlabs.com.au>

I think that Adam may be talking of something a bit more serious than
just naming names. When does someone stop naming names? That just leads
to more wars on the list, and the efforts to fix the core of the problem
is detracted from. I think that if the effort goes into creating "teeth"
for whatever body, the names won't even need to be named, as the root of
the problem can be addressed. If we get into a witch hunt now, it may
defeat the desired end result.

Ryan Darby
Received on Wed 21 Jul 2004 09:40:30 PM PDT

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