[meteorite-list] Humo(u)r 101

From: Sharkkb8_at_aol.com <Sharkkb8_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Jun 11 17:50:30 2004
Message-ID: <113.33e7b4a0.2dfb831b_at_aol.com>

MexicoDoug writes:

> If I wanted to hear from an asshole I would have farted.

Thanks for the window on the soul. Evidently Douglas is incapable of
recognizing and accepting any humor not his own, or any that may dare to (*shudder*)
poke a little fun at HIM. Apologies (on Doug's behalf) to the rest of the
list, whose children may have had to read the above garbage. Looks like there's
an heir-apparent to Joel Warren.

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