[meteorite-list] Origins

From: Sharkkb8_at_aol.com <Sharkkb8_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jun 12 04:31:52 2004
Message-ID: <1e0.22eb6179.2dfc1893_at_aol.com>

cj_peanut_at_msn.com writes:

> What about Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter...Etc? Is it just because we have to
> point of reference or maybe distance...Just Curious!

There was widespread belief that the Enstatite Chondrites originated within
Mercury's orbit, if they weren't actually Mercurian themselves, but I haven't
read any particularly recent scientific assessment on that position....any
updates out there? The "giants" (Jupiter and Saturn) are considered to be
essentially gaseous with prohibitive escape velocities as well, so I don't think
there's much speculation about them being reasonable candidates for parent

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