[meteorite-list] Sheath

From: Mark Miconi <mam602_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat May 1 22:33:57 2004
Message-ID: <003b01c42fed$e8806620$d7e16a44_at_ph.cox.net>

Silica dust is certain types of fine sand is deadly. Just breathing the
stuff into your lungs can cause permanent damage to your lungs. The Silica
dust in the sand has shown to cause cancer. Unfortunately for lots of
children scientists/doctors figured it out too late. Thousands of
playgrounds once used that sugar fine powdered white sand in sand boxes and
under jungle gyms. It caused a cancer rate 18 times the normal rate in
children that had exposure to the sand. It was tragic. As soon as they
banned the crap from playgrounds the cancer rate dropped in those same areas
within 2 school years and now the cancer rate is back to normal...if that is
any good since there should not be a cancer rate for any children.

California got sued for lead poisoning by some dude that played with lead,
breathed the fumes and got cancer from it. His lawyers used case law to show
that California was negligent by not warning people about lead and the
danger exposure to lead can cause.

Next time you are at Wal-Mart do me a favor. Go to sporting goods, go to the
fishing section and find the plastic worms. Look for Berkley Power Bait in
any style worm.....LOOK at the front of the package and you will see a label

I try to imagine what kind of MORON needs to be told that they are not real
worms, they are plastic....not that I know many people that eat worms on a
regular basis but if I did I hope they would be smart enough to know the
difference between real worms and PLASTIC worms.

Then before you put the package down, run it under your nose and take a
sniff....Berkley Power Worms smell like the Devils feet to humans...FISH
love the smell. Then try to imaging what kind of bathwater drinking bozo
would be dumb enough to need a label to tell him not to eat these nasty
smelling pieces of plastic in the first place....they STINK!

This world is slowly dumbing down as a whole....before long most of the
people in this world will need stupid laws to keep them safe...to quote that
movie..."Stupid is as stupid does". Make stupid laws to protect stupid
people from their own stupidness...that's what we pay politicians for isn't


Mark M.
Phoenix AZ
----- Original Message -----
From: Sterling K. Webb <kelly_at_bhil.com>
To: Kevin Heider <kpheider_at_attbi.com>; Meteor List
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sheath

> Hi, Kevin,
> I see you live in California, which is what I suspected as I began
> to read your message. California has a state law requiring this labeling
> on all products containing any of a 600-item-long list of "potential"
> carcinogens. Many substances on this warning list are common and
> harmless in everyday use.
> For example, if you go to your garden supply store or building
> materials store in California and buy a bag of sand, it will display
> this same warning, because "silica," otherwise known as sand, is
> considered by the State of California to be a carcinogen.
> My God! The whole planet is contaminated! Surely there must be
> someone we can sue for having dumped trillions of tons of dangerous
> cancer-causing sand all over our pristine planet!
> No doubt Sheath contains petroleum distillates; that would trigger
> the warning label. Is there a warning on that can of motor oil you
> compared it to?
> Is it just that the State is being particularly protective of its
> citizens? Not really. There are no restrictions on the sale of products
> with the warning label. But it does mean that if, in the year 2047, you
> decide to sue the manufacturer of Sheath for a cancer you believe to be
> caused by your exposure to his product 43 years earlier, he can point
> out that you were duly warned and it ain't his fault if you ignored it.
> Sterling K. Webb
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kevin Heider wrote:
> > I went to my local gun shop yesterday to purchase some Sheath and I
> > noticed on the side of the can that it says it contains chemicals know
> > to cause cancer. Is Sheath any more dangerous than motor oil? I
> > assume that I should wear gloves while applying it?Will the Sheath
> > bound to the iron and be safe to the touch 24 hours later? I want to
> > know just in case the kids (or I) handle the New Campo after applying
> > the Sheath. The gun shop also carries "Gun & Reel SILICONE Cloth".
> > Will this be good for applying the Sheath or is the SILICONE bad for
> > my 5.81kg New Campo? Thank you for your time,Kevin Heider
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Received on Sat 01 May 2004 10:33:52 PM PDT

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