[meteorite-list] Meteorite Magazine comments

From: Bill Mason III <bmason3_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Nov 16 15:57:42 2004
Message-ID: <20041116205741.38B998D43A_at_six.pairlist.net>

Dear Fellow Meteorite Enthusiasts,
        A few facts that you ought to know. Color pictures in Meteorite
magazine cost the publisher a great deal. Hence their cost limits the use in
each edition. Each time I renew I put in $50.00 extra to help support the
continued quality of this highly respected publication. Just a suggestion to
consider; after all it is our most important meteorite news source.

        Bill Mason "rusty"

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Dr. Svend
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:11 PM
To: almitt
Cc: Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Magazine comments

Al and list,

no question, lets go for it. We should add that the task is not too
difficult. Last time I mentioned Meteorite Magazine to a friend he
subscribed right away. He just recieved his first issue today and is full of
praise. (first score!;)

Svend Buhl


almitt <almitt_at_kconline.com> schrieb am 16.11.04 16:40:24:

Hello Dr. Svend Buhl and list,

I would like to challenge people on the list to a sort of contest. Lets see
who can get the most Meteorite Magazine subscriptions from now until the end
of the year! Winner gets a paid subscription for a full year (and yes it
counts as one of my totals :-) and I'll throw in a meteorite along with
that. I'll pick a nice specimen out that I have worked on. I'll annouce what
it is in a few days.

It is a good way to get new people interested in meteorites, expand
Meteorite Magazine's subscription list and have a bit of fun while we are at
it. So what do you say? Are you up to it? Let the subsciptions begin! All my
best and comments welcome.

--AL Mitterling

"Dr. Svend Buhl" wrote:

But there is also an appeal by the editor which I may forward to this list
since not all of its members have the opportunity to read this unique
periodical. He is asking us to support his endeavors by helping to build up
the community of readers. Just be creative. Donate a subscription to your
local school or planetarium or present a gift subscription to a friend or
acquaintance who is interested in meteorites. Link the Meteorite Magazine
homepage (http://www.meteor.co.nz/) from your site. Take a copy to meteorite
fairs and exhibitions and display it on your table. Recommend it to fellow
dealers and clients.

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