[meteorite-list] Take a look what write the BCC Fake lunar meteorite

From: McomeMeteorite Meteorite <meteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Nov 19 12:59:04 2004
Message-ID: <BAY2-F19204E73E9B84E2860E99EC0C30_at_phx.gbl>

Only a idiot and his friend write similar idiocy


ah DeRusse my surname its Chinellato not Chinelleto, or probably you are not
good to read? Probably yes.....

Naturally, Matteo Chinaletto responded very early on to CFR-1275 in the
usual fashion. Mr. Chinaletto is a member of various shady and very poorly
informed organizations and is one of several tools being used as a harasser
by those engaging in scientific misconduct and fraud in science. As you may
recall sometime back, Mr. Chinaletto was used as a cover by a scientist to
try to obtain a lunar sample from us by a method of extortion. Extortion is
using a threat or a perceived threat to obtain something of value from
another. The purpose of using Mr. Chinaletto in Italy was so the sample
could not be traced back to the United States to the scientist who was
trying to obtain it surreptitiously through him. He was planning to
misinform and mislead in the usual "company policy fashion" of misconduct
already in place. An honest scientist would simply approach us openly to
obtain a sample. He didn't get a sample from us through Matteo and you can
read many of his frustration laden comments at rockhounders.com. You can
blame the exposed scientists for misleading these shady groups including Mr.
Chinaletto. As always, Matteo's emails are difficult to understand because
of the language barriers. His email reads the following way.

hahhahahhahaha.....I never give to you only 1 cent for your fake material
and I never ask to you a piece of this fake material for me...you are only a
liar and a swindler. ... agrees to remove this page if you do not want to
have legal problems

Ricerche online pi? semplici e veloci con MSN Toolbar!
Received on Fri 19 Nov 2004 12:58:30 PM PST

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