[meteorite-list] SALE: Accepting Offers For Two High-End Pieces

From: RYAN PAWELSKI <yellowengine_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Oct 21 22:46:47 2004
Message-ID: <5682526.1098413148269.JavaMail.root_at_ernie.psp.pas.earthlink.net>

Good Evening Folks,

I've deicided to accept casual offers for two high-end investment type specimens. Although I am currently undecided as to whether or not I would like to sell these two pieces, I am willing to accept some offers.I hate to even consider selling these two beauts, but I have some debts that need to be taken care of first.

1. Worden (MI) 17.3g Half-Slice with specks of red car paint on the crust. Please email for photos. Ballpark value of $865+USD.

2. Park Forest 70.10g Individual- Fresh as the day it fell (gorgeous crust) with specks of tree bark inbedded in crust. This particular individual was heard by the homeowner smacking the tree and was found on front porch that morning.
(I paid $1600USD for this piece about a month after it fell).

Please see photos here: http://home.earthlink.net/~yellowengine/michigan%20meteorite/pforest.htm

Please contact me with any questions. Thank you.

Received on Thu 21 Oct 2004 10:45:44 PM PDT

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