[meteorite-list] Smara and NWA 2051

From: Dave Schultz <indy1996_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Sep 8 21:34:16 2004
Message-ID: <20040909013404.139.qmail_at_web52905.mail.yahoo.com>

Greetings Listees! I was just rearranging my eucrite
collection a bit tonight and noticed again that the
matrix of my beautiful 53 gram partslice of Smara
looked exactly liked my NWA 2051 M/M. Could there be a
possibilty that they could be paired in any way? I`m
hoping not, but Smara was found in the Western Sahara
and the NWA 2051 was purchased in Morocco. Any help
would be appreciated!
                                Thanks, Dave.

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