[meteorite-list] What's this? -for the geology experts out there

From: Graham Christensen <voltage_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 7 09:02:56 2005
Message-ID: <014101c53b72$82098660$c3e13b8e_at_megavolt>

Brother Bob, that is a fine specimen of probably exactly what I have and I'm
glad to see I'm not the only one picking up every odd coloured rock and
dragging it home. Thanks for showing that.

>"And here is an "in-situ" image showing where I found my green rock"

Haha! If only!

I can probably borrow someone's grinder maybe tomorrow or dig though some
boxes and find my dremel tool to cut off a piece. I agree that it's hard to
tell with a rough stone like that. Later this month a professor of martian
geology at the University of Alberta is taking me on a tour of the meteorite
collection there so I will take this rock along when I go and see what he
thinks as well.

>"Wouldn't I be emabarassed if I was wrong, and my "wrong" wasn't?"

Nope, I would imagine that you would be too busy being ecstatic about
pulling off the impossible...again!

Oh well, all is not lost. I DID find a chunk of garnet today :-) (at least I
think that's what it is)

Seeing as how it's 7 AM, I think it's about time I went to bed.
Goodnight all and happy hunting!

Green rock picker-upper 4 life,

Graham Christensen
msn messenger: majorvoltage_at_hotmail.com

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Verish" <bolidechaser_at_yahoo.com>
To: <voltage_at_telus.net>
Cc: "Meteorite-list Meteoritecentral" <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 6:00 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] What's this? -for the geology experts out there

> Hello Brother Graham and List,
> http://marzmeteorite.tripod.com/mars-rocks/2mars1not.jpg
> As you can tell from the above image, Brother Graham
> and I belong to the same fraternity - The Fraternal
> Order of Green Rock Picker-Uppers.
> And here is an "in-situ" image showing where I found
> my green rock:
> http://marzmeteorite.tripod.com/mars-rocks/MRF04996.jpg
> Actually, Graham, my story is much shorter than yours.
> I found my little shergo-not just last week, and only
> a few miles from my backyard. It was still sitting on
> top of my monitor when I read your message and saw
> your great looking image. It prompted me to share my
> image with you. And, as in your image, I placed a
> small slice of DaG 476 in front of my Mars-wannabe.
> For added effect, I placed a larger slice of the DaG
> 670 stone to the right of my m-wrong.
> As a rule, I don't "hazard a guess" about a rock-type
> based solely on an image. Too many times I've had to
> change my opinion about a rock-type after examining a
> cut surface. So, if you show me the inside of your
> rock, I'll show you the inside of my rock! ;-)
> It's true. I haven't cut my little rock, yet. And to
> be truthful, I haven't had it examined by an "expert",
> so I can't say with 100% certainty that my rock is a
> "shergo-not".
> Wouldn't I be emabarassed if I was wrong, and my
> "wrong" wasn't?
> Bob V.
> --------------- Original Message ----------------
> [meteorite-list] What's this? -for the geology
> experts out there
> Graham Christensen voltage at telus.net
> Thu Apr 7 05:21:16 EDT 2005
> Hello list
> I've had this rock sitting on my kitchen table since
> last year when I picked it up along the side of the
> road while out for a walk. It is a fairly smooth
> green rock with black bits in it and it looks somewhat
> like my DAG 476
> shergottite but it's a slightly lighter shade of
> green. I have yet to grind an end off to see what the
> inside looks like but there are a couple chips
> out of it and it looks about the same on the inside
> with the green part being fine grained and the black
> bits are individual crystals. I doubt that it is
> meteoritic (there is no trace of fusion crust) but I
> was wondering if it might be similar to a shergottite
> but of terrestrial origin.
> Here is a pic of it:
> http://www.geocities.com/aerolitehunter/dag476andunidentified.jpg
> The small slice in the forground is my DAG 476 and the
> big rock is of course the rock in question.
> I have been collecting rocks on and off in this area
> since I was a kid and I haven't seen anything like it
> but that doesn't mean much. I live in Alberta, Canada,
> where most of the rocks you find lying on the ground
> were brought down from various locations by the
> glaciers of the last ice age so it's kind of a potluck
> dinner of geology up here.
> I won't get my hopes up, but I certainly wouldn't mind
> copying Bob Verish
> and finding out I've been sitting on a mars meteorite
> for a year!! :-)
> Any comments are greatly appreciated
> Graham
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Received on Thu 07 Apr 2005 09:05:43 AM PDT

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