[meteorite-list] Widmanstatten pattern images request

From: Sara Arsenault <arsenaultsara_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 14 10:49:10 2005
Message-ID: <BAY104-F1526E685C87D2D5FCD1BAAA9350_at_phx.gbl>

Dear list,

I am working on a virtual exhibition concerning meteorites for the Montreal
Planetarium, Canada. One of the sections of the website will present iron
meteorites including fine and coarse octahedrites. We are looking for
close-up of the Windmanstatten patterns of these two types of meteorites.
If you are the author of photos that could interest us, please send them
with the credit line that you would like us to include.

Thank you for your precious collaboration, and excuse my English it is a
second language.

Sara Arsenault
Planetarium de Montreal

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