[meteorite-list] Iridium Found At Serpent Mound Structure

From: Paul H <bristolia_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Apr 19 08:54:19 2005
Message-ID: <20050419125417.70417.qmail_at_web50607.mail.yahoo.com>

Rock samples from beneath mound contain rare metal
Associated Press, April 17, 2005, The Beacon Press

"CLEVELAND - Scientists studying recent
rock samples taken from beneath an
ancient earthen mound are trying to
determine what caused unusually high
concentrations of a metal rarely seen
anywhere but near Earth's molten core
or in asteroids and comets."

(rest of article not posted)


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Received on Tue 19 Apr 2005 08:54:17 AM PDT

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