[meteorite-list] NPA 01-03-1821 Possible Lixna Meteorite Fall article

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Apr 22 11:57:51 2005
Message-ID: <BAY104-F10783800E9D5086CB4BD05B32D0_at_phx.gbl>

Paper: Republican Compiler
City: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Date: Wednesday, January 3, 1821
Page 4 (of 4)

St. Petersburg Sept. 18.

     A meteoric stone weighing 40lbs. fell from the air during a violent
thunder storm, at six o'clock in the evening, on the 12th of July, in the
Village of Listen, in the circle of Dunaburg, and the government of Witebsk.
  It penetrated a foot and an half in the ground, whence it was dug by the
peasants, and has been chemically analyzed by Dr. Eichler. A magnetic
needle was pretty quickly attracted, as well in an horizontal as in a
vertical direction, by all points of its surface, but it did not at all
attract iron filings.


The article may refer to the Lixna meteorite, although the weight of Lixna
(in the Catalogue of Meteorites and A to Z: Second Edition) appears to be

A to Z: Second Edition has:

Lizna H4 vnd; Dvinsk, Latvia; 1820 July 12 1730hrs;* 1 _at_ 5.213kg.

(Anyone has a solid and outlined typed keys, please e-mail them to me. I
could also use other keys like the short +/-, and other related meteorite
related keys. Keys is likely the wrong word to use, but I can't think of
the correct or better).

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Wichita, Kansas


PDF copy of this article, and most I post (and about 1/2 of those on my
website), is available upon e-mail request.

The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. The old list
server allowed us a search feature the current does not, so I guess this is
more for quick reference and shortening the subject line now.
Received on Fri 22 Apr 2005 11:57:47 AM PDT

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