[meteorite-list] Some sick people!!!

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Apr 27 01:10:56 2005
Message-ID: <20050427050110.48664.qmail_at_web53208.mail.yahoo.com>

Dear Tom,
   Yes, there are some sick comments made on the
Blog. I do not own the blog and do not control it. I
am sorry someone included a comment about your
daughter on the blog.
   There is a COMMENT button on the front page of the
blog that you can contact the owner directly and ask
him/her to remove that comment.
   I have been away for the past 10 days and came back
to over 500 emails in my mail box and many from Steve
Chicago. This is why I made the appeal to Steve to
calm down his fever for postings after he had promised
the list that he would.
   I see no reason for you to quit the MetList because
of someone posting to the blog.
   One reason for my asking to create the blog was to
keep the fighting and trash off of the MetList. I
also had hope that people would post positive
contributions. The blog has degenerated to the point
that it is not worth reading except for an occasional
Topic that the Blogowner has taken the time to create.
  You can judge from many of the posts to the blog
that there are surely some sick people posting to it
and they are also members of the MetList.
  Again sorry for an attack on your daughter.
Best Always in LIFE, Dirk...Tokyo

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