[meteorite-list] Wanted - Aldsworth

From: Matthew Smith <matt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Aug 19 07:19:44 2005
Message-ID: <4305C120.7030108_at_urbanspaceman.com>

I posted this request to the meteorite_sale list a couple of days ago,
to avoid using the meteoritecentral list for another wanted post, but I
received no responses.

I would like to obtain a small (maybe 1g depending on cost!) sample of
the Aldsworth meteorite. I am aware that Rob Elliot had some a few years
ago but has since sold out, therefore I know there is some out there!

So if you have a small piece you would be willing to part with, please
contact me off list, I would love to hear from you.


Received on Fri 19 Aug 2005 07:23:12 AM PDT

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