[meteorite-list] New Nevada Meteorite Aug 2005

From: Norm Lehrman <nlehrman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Aug 20 10:57:39 2005
Message-ID: <20050820145737.90988.qmail_at_web81005.mail.yahoo.com>


Way to go! I have scoured thousands of Nevada
blow-outs, but I'm still waiting for a moment like


--- wahlperry_at_aol.com wrote:

> Hi List ,
> I was hunting a new area last week and was lucky
> enough to find a new
> Nevada meteorite . The day started out with rain and
> lighting but the
> temperature was great in the 90's with full cloud
> cover. The normal
> temperature for this time of year is 115 . I decided
> to go to the first
> area but the rain and lightning kept me from doing
> to much searching .
> I had saw an area 1 hour from this location that I
> always wanted to
> check out but never had time . After driving to the
> second location the
> rain had slowed to a drizzle and I still had full
> cloud cover. The
> cloud cover makes it easier to spot meteorites
> verses full sun .The
> full sun and time of day mixed with the shadows
> makes it harder to spot
> meteorites . I hunted the full day looking at what I
> thought were the
> best areas of the hill side. But after 4 or 5 hours
> of wandering around
> the desert I had enough of this punishment and
> decided to go back to my
> truck and refill my water and get a cold drink out
> of the ice chest. I
> spotted what looked like a clearing or a small blow
> out that was on the
> way so I decided to take one last look. There were
> only 4 or 5 black
> rocks on the surface . When I got close enough to
> the last one I knew
> it was a meteorite by it's rusted appearance , shape
> and what looked
> like fusion crust . But the only sure test was the
> magnet which stuck
> to the meteorite like it was a piece of metal . At
> that moment I did
> the famous Indian dance . After photographing the
> meteorite in situ and
> with the Gps ,I picked it up . It looks like the top
> and bottom were
> broken off and missing . I returned with my Whites
> GMT detector .The
> meteorite would give off a strong signal 10 inches
> away from the coil .
> I searched the clearing and surrounding area with no
> luck . Now comes
> the hard part trying to determine if this is single
> stone or a piece of
> a larger fall. The meteorite weighs 240 grams . The
> interior looks like
> it has more visible metal than a Franconia . The
> chondrules are not as
> round and there is some rust . My guess it is a H
> 5-6 .
> Sonny
> http://www.notkin.net/sonny/new-finds-aug-05.htm
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Received on Sat 20 Aug 2005 10:57:37 AM PDT

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