[meteorite-list] OT Re: who does what for what cause?

From: joseph_town_at_att.net <joseph_town_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jun 18 00:26:26 2005
Message-ID: <061820050426.11580.42B3A26D000F330000002D3C21602807480299019BA1089F0A9C0106_at_att.net>


What is this Saviour complex you have all about? 30 pieces of silver? Can you be a savior and a martyr at the same time. Will you be on or off the cross tomorrow? A well defined crusade is one thing. Going on about every injustice ever perpetrated by our species is ridiculous.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_charter.net>
> On Fri, 17 Jun 2005 23:37:45 EDT, MexicoDoug_at_aol.com wrote:
> I don't have much to say specificly in reply to this, other than to say that I
> do appeciate it and
> thought it to be well thought out and conciderate. I will say that I probably
> would have reacted
> with less anger if my original two (I felt reasonable) questions on the piece
> "has this been
> examined by professionals and shouldn't something this important be in a museum"
> hadn't been replied
> to with short, snide intentionally belittling replies.
> I would have liked to have known where it had been examined, and by who, and how
> they determined it
> to be a pterosaur egg, and when I could hope to see published research on the
> piece-- anything like
> that more than a simple "yes it has", showing lack of interest in so much as
> sharing such
> information. Sharing this info would in no way have hurt his sale-- I wasn't
> asking for GPS
> coordnates of the find site, after all-- I was interested in knowing about this
> (if it were real)
> important find. Wouldn't you think that, since he brought it up on the list, he
> would have been
> nice enough to tell something about it, if he knew, or cared? And his
> sarcastic, snide,
> intentionally demeaning, and totally unnecessary "if you care so much buy it
> yourself and give it to
> a museum" (to paraphrase) comment sealed the "ticked off" deal.
> And then what I did was activly try to find out if the fossil was real, and if
> so, which museums I
> could contact to see if they wanted to buy it. See, I wasn't trying to take the
> fossil from MLB or
> from the seller and deprive them of their money. I was trying to find a buyer
> for them. I WANTED
> to find some professional institution willing to give him his 30 pieces of
> silver. But then, in my
> asking around for advice on if anyone had heard of this piece, and who I could
> contact about
> possibly buying it, low and behold a certain Kansas fossil expert replied with
> the info I posted
> about someone trying to show him a piece of sandstone last Saturday claiming it
> to be a pterodactyl
> egg. I haven't used his name on the list because I didn't ask his permission to
> draw him into the
> issue, but if I did give his name, I'm sure most of you interested in fossils in
> the US would know
> the name, would know the web site, and might have read his book.
> Now, this may not be the same seller. It may be a big coincidence and MLB has a
> real seller of a
> real pterodactyl egg. And if MLB would bother to even attempt to show that it
> is NOT the same egg,
> I'll pubicly apologize to MLB about his real egg. But he hasn't bothered to
> even attempt to address
> the issue-- his replies are all more snide remarks showing how little he thinks
> of having some
> interest other than profit motive in fossils (or possibly in ANYTHING).
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Received on Sat 18 Jun 2005 12:26:23 AM PDT

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