[meteorite-list] Wanted & Very sick trade AD

From: Greg Hupe <gmhupe_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jun 27 18:23:01 2005
Message-ID: <017101c57b66$c25099f0$deadcf44_at_Gregor>

Hello Martin,

Regarding your customer who wants to trade his Dhofar 908 (2.2 grams
combined) for Gibeon, what size Gibeon is he looking for? I see no problem
with trading one way or the other (lunar for iron or vice-versa) if the
value equates the same, or there about. As long as both parties are happy...

Best regards,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Altmann" <Altmann_at_Meteorite-Martin.de>
To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 5:57 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Wanted & Very sick trade AD

> Hiho,
> again me. I have a somwhat spleeny collector. He offers two slices of Dho
> 908, lunaite - that most colourful anorthosic impact melt breccia
> and wants in exchange, ?hem, how shall I say..... GIBEON!!!!
> Slices or individuals, doesn't matter.
> The Moon slices have the dimensions of 2.5cm x 0.7cm x 0.1cm - 0.58g
> and
> 3.2cm x 2.0cm x 1.2cm - 1.62g.
> Pictures available on request.
> Second: One of my clients is looking for a nice Steinbach slice at a
> reasonable price - he has +/- 1000bucks to spend.
> Thanks!
> Buckleboo!
> Martin
> Gosh, Moon versus Gibeon, in which country am I living.......
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Received on Mon 27 Jun 2005 06:22:52 PM PDT

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