[meteorite-list] Steve I thought you were going to controlyour postings?

From: Walter Branch <branchw_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 1 18:53:00 2005
Message-ID: <055701c54e9f$0924cb20$6101a8c0_at_launchmodem.com>

Hi Michael,

>Can ANYONE answer that question?

Well, here is one psychological interpretation.

I think the reason why many people are upset
with what I assume to be Steve's constant posting
is because most list members, within reason, follow the rules.
Even though they are seemingly rarely enforced, there
was/is an implicit understanding that we would
all follow the rules when we signed on.

Yes, it is easy to use the delete key. All of use do
it every day. There may be a message about some
meteorite-related topic which I am not particularly
interested in so I delete it. No disrespect to the sender,
as someone else may be interested in keeping it.

So, the vast maority of members follow the rules
without having TO DO anything "extra." When
we delete a post, it is generally because we aren't
interested in the topic even though the post is within
the rules.

Now, having TO DO something extra (use the delete
key) for repetitive posts that many perceive as spam
(not within the rules) is what gets some people angry.
It like saying, "Why should I have to do anything extra
when I follow the rules."

I guess an analogy would be having to "opt out"
from receiving telemarketing phone calls. Millions
of American have signed up to not receive the phone
calls (myself included) but why should I have to "opt
out" (do something) when I should "opt in" to receive them!

As for me, I just use my email filtering system. It is very effective.
It works for all the "Warren Wannabes" on the list. I am
sure some people filter my posts as well. Easier than
using the delte key. No runs, no hits, no errors.

-Walter Branch
Received on Sun 01 May 2005 06:42:19 PM PDT

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