[meteorite-list] AD> METEORITES OF AMERICA CD-ROM available. Simply essential !

From: Pelé Pierre-Marie <pierremariepele_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 10 15:36:17 2005
Message-ID: <20050510193452.52330.qmail_at_web25808.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>

Hello to the List,

I'm happy to announce the release of


It's the most complete source of information about the
americain meteorites that you'll find anywhere.

It contains :
- all meteorite of the american continent (north,
central and south America)
- many exclusive and rare pictures
- a search engine to find everything you're searching
for on the CD (with single or multiple criterias. New
version faster)
- an easy to navigate CD content with many shortcuts
- a selection of useful web links
- a glossary
- a complete classification table
- maps of american countries

The CD is in English and is readable on Apple & PC
computers (with Internet Explorer navigator or
compatible navigator)

- Europe (euro zone) : 24 euros (shipment included)
- Rest of the World : US$ 29.95 (shipment included)

- Only with Paypal (accounts : pierre.pele_at_voila.fr
or pierremariepele_at_yahoo.fr)

Thanks for your attention.

"Meteorite of Africa" and "Meteorites of Europa"
CD-ROM are also available at the same prices (24? or
US$29.95 each).

Pierre-Marie PELE

P.S. I'll be at the Ensisheim Show selling CDs, my
book about french meteorites and also meteorites of course...


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Received on Tue 10 May 2005 03:34:52 PM PDT

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