[meteorite-list] Is Amgala Official? / New Bulletin

From: Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 10 17:40:30 2005
Message-ID: <050001c555a8$e1452940$6401a8c0_at_c1720188a>

Talk to MNHNP and Philippe Thomas about the reported coordinates in the
entry if you feel there is a mistake. Our coordinates were reported to NAU
and the List over a year ago.

Take Care,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Altmann" <Altmann_at_Meteorite-Martin.de>
To: "Frank Prochaska" <fprochaska_at_verizon.net>;
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Is Amgala Official? / New Bulletin

> Yes but remeber such cases like with NWA 859.
> Everybody has to look in the Bulletin first, if somehere is referred to
> number.
> Well, if someone writes "Taza" instead, instantely everybody knows, which
> metorite is meant.
> So just two words more in the entry: "synonyms: Amgala", no big deal.
> The coordinates given to the Oum Dreyba - there must be a mistake.
> I get out 40km offshore from the Moroccain coast in the Antlantic.
> May someone correct it....
> Martin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Frank Prochaska" <fprochaska_at_verizon.net>
> To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 11:21 PM
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Is Amgala Official? / New Bulletin
> > I'm trying to figure out what the big deal is here. Synonyms and
> > meteorites "named" one thing only to be referred to something else
> or
> > found to be paired with or transported specimens of another name, are
> > common. It certainly isn't limited to meteorites traded or sold "too
> soon."
> > The North Chile hexahedrites were then so named after various specimens
> > different names (I'm counting 16 now, about 8 of them rather large
> > had been in museum collections and studied for decades (maybe even 100
> > years). I'm finding 35 synonyms for Canyon Diablo without looking very
> > hard. Despite the discussion in this case, collectors seem to vote
> > regularly with their wallets to get new falls and finds in their
> collections
> > before the NomCom gives them the official blessing. Certainly the
> > scientific community doesn't seem harmed, and if anything continues to
> > benefit (as do collectors) from the fervor of new finds and falls that
> > drives hunters and dealers to recover more material and trade it to the
> > scientific collections (not to mention the many outright donations).
> > Now, if there were no such body like the NomCom to make officially
> > recognized names and classifications that help the rest of us keep all
> this
> > straight, THAT would be a problem to complain about. Thank you Jeff and
> > colleagues!
> >
> > Frank Prochaska
> >
> >
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Received on Tue 10 May 2005 05:39:12 PM PDT

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