[meteorite-list]OT Kansas Legal Debate: Creation, Evolution andIntelligent Design

From: joseph_town_at_att.net <joseph_town_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 13 23:11:04 2005
Message-ID: <051420050311.16835.42856C75000B9EB2000041C321587667200299019BA1089F0A9C0106_at_att.net>

Hey! I know that man. He's my monkeys' uncle.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_charter.net>
> Wow, I just found a direct link between the Kansas ID debate and meteorite
> collecting. In reading a
> transcript of arguments from the public in support of ID, A man named Tony
> Kostusik, who mentions
> being a meteorite collector, gave a brief (and from what I can tell, utterly
> incoherent and
> apparenlty disproving evolution because there are no square clouds) speech at
> the hearings.
> http://www.ksde.org/outcomes/schlagle.htm
> "MR. KOSTUSIK: Thank you for your time this evening. My name is Tony Kostusik,
> K-o-s-t-u-s-i-k,
> concerned Kansas citizen, grandfather of four. I have a lumber business, and I
> have been flying for
> 40-some years, and I have taken -- I have taken many thousands of pictures. And
> the pictures that I
> brought here tonight with questions on the back, I think, are unanswered by
> evolution's answer. If
> that's the case, I think there needs to be an overhaul of what they -- I am not
> an educator, so
> excuse my language. I think they need to have an overhaul of what they consider
> scientific
> evidence. If the questions on the back are unanswered by Evolution, there has
> to be a change in
> Evolution. It can be partly there, but I think there has to be other
> alternatequestions brought up,
> as it just happened. I've never seen a square cloud in the scientific. I also
> collect meteorites.
> In a current book that I have, it's 222 times, maybe, it's also possible, could
> have come from,
> there are probably, and probably, it goes on and on. I've highlighted 72
> different times. I think
> it's about time we get some what science matches what we actually see. So
> please consider that.
> Thank you for your time."
> And here's an article about the guy and meteorites:
> http://www.sas.org/E-Bulletin/2004-04-02/features2/body.html
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Received on Fri 13 May 2005 11:11:50 PM PDT

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