[meteorite-list] Canyon Diablo & nomenclature...was (Is AmgalaOfficial?/N...

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 17 02:42:03 2005
Message-ID: <6a.558ce5c7.2fbaec36_at_aol.com>

Jerry, FYI:

"We made camp at Meteor Crater, one of the many wonders of this wonderland.
It was a huge hole in the earth over five-hundred feet deep, said to have
been made by a meteor burying itself there. Seen from the outside the slope was
gradual up to the edges, which were scalloped and irregular; on the inside
the walls were precipitous. Our camp was on the windy desert, a long sweeping
range of grass, sloping down, dotted with cattle, with buttes and mountains in
the distance. Most of my sensations of the day partook of the nature of woe."

>From Zane Grey's "Tales of Lonely Trails" (1922)
[not included on the reading list:-)]
Received on Tue 17 May 2005 02:41:58 AM PDT

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