[meteorite-list] (AD) Final add on's to meteorite sale

From: JKGwilliam <h3chondrite_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 24 12:51:24 2005
Message-ID: <>

We know better than to get our hopes up to much as there will more than
likely be another sale starting on Tuesday.


At 04:05 AM 5/24/2005, Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote:
>Hi again list.I added 4 more pieces to my meteorite sale.Huizopa
>iron,juancheng individual,nwa 1553 slice, and finally 28 gram slice of
>springwater pallasite.All half price thru monday.This will be the final
>add-on's and email on this sale.So look long and prosper.
> steve
>Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
>Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
>website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
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Received on Tue 24 May 2005 12:32:18 PM PDT

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