[meteorite-list] what could this be?

From: Dave Freeman mjwy <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 26 11:06:35 2005
Message-ID: <4295E5B3.20607_at_fascination.com>

I am a dud wood collector! I looked but didn't see the connection. As
I scramble for a second look, palm because of the vascular sell bundle
placement in the trunk (and root ball) will have a mostly predictable
form when it fractures apart. As a piece it will be fractured with
curved but rather flat-ish lines and would expose the "broom straw"
side/lateral views of the water transporting vascular cell bundles, as
like a celery stalk. Most of the palm from eastern Texas is Catahoula
fm. and of Oligocene in age but there may well be a larger less
beautiful amount of eocene or cretaceous located elsewhere in the state.

JKGwilliam wrote:

> Interesting guess Norm, I thought the same thing when I saw the
> picture. I even went to one of my display cabinets and pulled out a
> piece of petrified palm to compare to the picture and it is very similar
> At 08:54 PM 5/25/2005, Norm Lehrman wrote:
>> Harlan & all,
>> My best guess is that it might be a fragment of
>> petrified palm or cycad root. There is a pattern of
>> dark circular features at the bottom edge that look
>> like vascular tissues.
>> Note that the analytical report pictured says "<2 ppm"
>> iridium, which is to say iridium was absolutely
>> undetectable with the technique employed, despite the
>> seller's verbage to the contrary. I guess they are
>> not familiar with the "less than" symbol.
>> The part of the newspaper article you can see in one
>> of the photos says that the rock is mostly white
>> calcite. Hardly a meteorite candidate, but apparently
>> good enough to suck in several bidders!
>> Cheers,
>> Norm
>> (http://TektiteSource.com )
>> --- harlan trammell <skyrox_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
>> ---------------------------------
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3239&item=6534208368&rd=1
>> i will be gradually switching over to yahoo mail (it
>> has 100 FREE megs of storage). please cc to:
>> bigpineartifacts_at_yahoo.com
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