[meteorite-list] GET OUT OF JAIL SALE

From: Finmet <ivanmete_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 27 03:30:48 2005
Message-ID: <018f01c562b7$de1e6bc0$cd990044_at_Ivan>

Hi All

Please take a moment to look at these pictures of a large 35 kilo individual
Seymchan Meteorite.

Please note that I cut a small corner off this whopper to see what the
inside consisted of. The cut surface on the smaller 2840 gram piece was
polished and etched to Museum quality standards. The small piece is apx.
160mm x 105mm x 85mm in dimensions. The whopper end of this is over 32 kilos
of gorgeous metal and pallasite mix. Please check it out on this link .


I'm looking to partially recover expenses made on my last Oman trip. Which I
spent a few days in jail and 6 weeks detained at my own expense . Believe me
the VODKA is very expensive in that country !! I have well over 40 cents a
gram invested in this individual (both pieces) and will consider all offers
over that figure
Here is some info about this meteorite.
Two masses were found in 1967, total 323 kg. It was classified as a coarse
octahedrite, bandwidth 2.0 mm(iron llE). We went there in June of 2004 to
try and find additional pieces. During that expedition we recovered several
pieces of different sized Seymchan individuals. Our recent finds show that a
few pieces of this meteorite is comparable to Glorietta Mountain in that it
CRYSTALS !!!! It was a big
surprise after cutting some of our initial finds to find that a few
individuals contain olivine crystals
and show a nice pattern. This meteorite is absolutely stable, will not rust
after cutting. The linked pictures of this individual show it has a gorgeous
highly unusual widmanstatten pattern and a lot of pretty olivine
crystals. It is interesting that some individuals contain olivine while most
others do not contain olivine. Some individuals have surface with fusion
crust like Sikhote-Alin, some looks like Chinge, and some looks like Sikhote
shrapnel. Right now the Seymchan meteorite is being researched and
It is very difficult to recognize which pieces contain olivine
crystals and how much there are within without cutting them. Pieces with the
olivine crystals are uncommon. This can be a good opportunity for someone to
make a good profit on sliced up material.
Please if you have some interests contact me privately at ivanmete_at_cox.net
All the bests Enjoying My FREEDOM in Arizona!
Received on Fri 27 May 2005 08:30:29 AM PDT

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