AW: [meteorite-list] Matteo's own prices, take a look! - was: AD - World Biggest Impact Melt slices

From: Andreas Gren <>
Date: Wed Nov 23 12:50:06 2005
Message-ID: <>

Hello Matteo,
 still waiting for your comment to what Martin has posted here.
Or will this be the new silence about prices from other Listmembers ,we are
all waiting for?


-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
[] Im Auftrag von Martin
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. November 2005 17:45
An: M come Meteorite Meteorites;
Betreff: [meteorite-list] Matteo's own prices,take a look! - was: AD - World
Biggest Impact Melt slices

Dear Matteo,

in almost every third case a dealer or collector advertises here on the
list, you feel the need to empty your bowels and you crow on the list, that
the price would be exaggerated and how much you paid for that locality or
that you once saw it on ebay ending at a lower price.
Apart from your paltriness of trying to disturb the sales of others, those
interventions are absolutely fruitless for the list members,
because you even don't have to offer a cheaper price for the same
meteorites, you are not able to undercut the others.
And now, because I'm fed up,
I examine your very own homepage and blow your prices into little bits.

I won't talk about ebay (we all know, that the results there show peaks in
both directions, or special-best-friend-"I know you since 20"-years-offers
among dealers),
no I take simply the offers on the homepages of the offerors, which can be
seen by everyone on the dealers' list or in a few cases, which were
advertised by them in public on the list, which one can find in the
And do you kno what?
Because I have not so much time, I even won't search out the cheapest
offers, for demonstration just a short glimpse is sufficient.

Let's see, in what position you are to tell others, that their prices are
ways to expensive.
Folks, come with me, we go on an excursion to Matteo's page,
Wow, in several cases his European clients have to pay more than those from
the U.S. for the same specimen
 - I will give sometimes the converted maximum Euro-to-$-price in brackets.

Prices per gram:

Matteo 70-140$ (and for the Europeans up to 210$) list: Elliott 40$
and cheaper

Matteo 6.57-10$ (13.4$) Erich: 4.9$

Amgala (Oum Dreyga)
Matteo 4-7$ Bessey: 2.95$

Matteo 5$ Hans Koser 0.25$

Matteo 7-36$ (50.51$) Lang: 5.4$

Matteo 1500$ ooooooooooooooooh I'm sure somebody could raise the
finger and will say 400$....

Canyon Diablo
Matteo 0.6$-2$ (2.28$) Stan Wall 0.28$/g

Cape York
Matteo 5.95-9.35$ (13.11$) Killgore 2.58$

Matteo 7.67$ Kroth 3$

Matteo 20.000$ (23.600$) Karl/Vassiliev 15.000$

Matteo 2$ (2.36$) Afanasjev 0.3-0.5$

Matteo 200$ (280$) Elliott 150$

DaG 262
Matteo 4237.3$ Vassiliev/Karl 1000-1150$

DaG 400
Matteo 2040$ - 85.000$ Vassiliev/Karl 1000$

DaG 412
Matteo 150$ Twelker 40$

DaG 476
Matteo 300-833$/g (1074$) Erich 213$

Dho 018
Matteo 200$ (256$) Afanasjev/Labenne 70-120$

Dho 019
Matteo 500$ (647$) Erich 268$-400$, Phillips 300$ (list)

Dho 026
Matteo 6250$ (7383$) Afanasjev 1200$ (and with lower startprice
regularly on ebay)

Dho 306
Matteo 3142$ (3712$) Erich 738$

Dho 307
Matteo 1196$ Erich 738$

And Matteo, you were so kind to post on March 3, 2004, how the Dho lunar and
martian stuff was ending on ebay, when Afanasjev held his desparate
auctions, (where you were buying too, also some of those, which you are
trying to sell up to 10times more expensive):
Dhofar 731 $846.8 - 704.3/gr.
Dhofar 026 $734.3 - 547.5/gr.
Dhofar 730 $754.4 - 863.2/gr.
Dhofar 306 $601.2 - 883.9/gr.
Dhofar 307 $746.4/gr.
Dhofar 019 $200.3 - 325.5/gr.

Dho 700
Matteo 29$ Wesel (list) 9-10$

Matteo slices 4$ (4.73$) Marcin 0.9$/g with interesting etch!

Matteo 3$ (4.02$) Mitterling 1.5$

Matteo 14-14.3$ (22.67$) Schooler 8$

Look here, who's talking about IMB-prices!!! Dho 010 - it is and was always
the cheapest IMB.
Dho 010
Matteo 5$ Afanasjev, Olson and everywhere 4$ and please tell us,
for what 010 is going on ebay, you're the expert. I sold mine there
sometimes at 1.5$

El Hammami
Matteo slices 2.22$, wheathered fragment 1$ (1.18$) Twelker fresh slices
1$ (Altmann wheathered slices 0.5$)

Matteo 450$ (549$) Anne Black 300$

Matteo 17.6$-50$ Elliott 6-10$, not to mention his 3.5$-5$ sale on the

Matteo 3.91$ (4.62$) Heitz 1.5$

Matteo 1-3$ (3.55$) to lazy to look, it's everywhere, cheapest
stone fall on ebay. Let's take Marcin's page 0.8-1$/g.

Matteo 2$ Afanasjev 0.15$-1.5$ (polished pieces he has always
running on ebay at around 0.2$ start price), Marcin 1$

Matteo etched ones 1.5$ (2$) Eisler 1$

Glorieta Mountain
Matteo 20$ Olson 10$

Matteo 3$ (4.18$) Olson 2.5$

Gold Basin
Matteo 1.5$-3$ (4.02$) Lang 0.75-1$/g

Matteo 125$ (186$) Twelker 40-50$

Now I arrived at letter "H", but I won't look fore prices for
Hitler-autographs, which you sold so innocently on ebay.

Again, I even wasn't intensively searching for the cheapest prices, I just
was googling a little bit and from time to time I checked the list archives!

Matteo, see in what a dingy position you are to scathe prices from offerors
on the list here
and if you only once will do so agin in future, I'll continue with letter
"H", be prepared,
for all to form a view of your credibility and your business conduct.


PS: Folks, there is nothing wrong with Marcin's prices. 3-4$ for an IMB is
affordable, the single classified IMB in that price range is good old Dho
010, all others are often remarkanbly more expensive and not to forget,
Marcin has some huge full slices, so that I really doubt, that there are
more larger ones to be found.

----- Original Message -----
From: "M come Meteorite Meteorites" <>
To: "Meteorite List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - World Biggest Impact Melt slices

> --- Marcin Cimala <> ha scritto:
> > Hello List
> > Im happy to announce new big meteorite:
> > NWA 4036 L6 Impact Melt , Weathering 1, Fa23.4,
> > Fs20.3
> >
> > I want to say that there are not many Impacts
> > right now. I looking a
> > little over net and only find some at Farmer, Fectay
> > and somewhere only
> > single specimens of different localites. And yes,
> > Capot Rey ofcourse. So
> > this type is more rare than I expected. Prices are
> > beetween 10-30$/g.
> Where? The last Capot Rey IMB on ebay its go sold for
> $3.1/gr. My NWA 1701 LL5 IMB with special entru on
> met.bulletin I have put on ebay for $10/gr. and is not
> go sold...the other IMB I have, I sale for $5/gr. and
> few slices its go....sinceraly, the prices asks for
> IMB now its exaggerated, seen the people look the
> prices on ebay only, not in the sites of the dealers.
> Matteo

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Received on Wed 23 Nov 2005 12:45:15 PM PST

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