[meteorite-list] FW: Extreme breccia meteorites !!!

From: Pete Pete <rsvp321_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Oct 20 04:31:50 2005
Message-ID: <BAY104-F3025C851582364AD6137B2F8730_at_phx.gbl>

Hi, all,

(Apologies if this came through three times - having trouble with my

I recall that a couple months ago someone on the list was warning the rest
about a slick Scandinavian scammer trying to peddle terrestrial rocks as

Is this the guy?

He's been sending these ads specifically to me...(email copy attached)
I suggested he send his ad for the benefit of the List, but he doesn't seem
to want to do that.

It just sounds like an Amway/Boggy Creek pitch, to me...

If it's this guy or not, I'd appreciate the name of the scammer again.


From: Göran Lindfors <mars_at_tele2.se>
To: "Pete Pete" <rsvp321_at_hotmail.com>
Subject: Extreme breccia meteorites !!!
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 00:04:54 +0200

Hello Pete.

Thanks for your great email. I have from 1gram up to 300gr, represent the
best extra-rare breccia meteorites in the world and I have much beautiful
fusion crust on it. The prices are from 3000dollar/gram (ex,see pictures),
but how much will you give gr/price, and how much (gr) ???? Thanks !

Best Wishes my friend /// Göran
Received on Thu 20 Oct 2005 04:31:47 AM PDT

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