[meteorite-list] About Munich (from Zelimir G.)

From: Gi-po Meteorites <Carsten.Giessler_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Oct 28 07:35:19 2005
Message-ID: <43620C96.2040602_at_t-online.de>

Hello List,

here i forward a posting from Zelimir Gabelica, he had problems sendind
to the list,
so i sent the email for him.

Here it is:

Hi Francesco, Martin, lucky Munich attendees, List,

In Ensisheim, we don't have such problems as finding meteorite
exhibitors. They are everywhere and anywhere you go, there they
are...All tables are held by meteorite dealers (minerals are forbidden).
And as we are much smaller (but specific), everybody is so easy to be
found, if not in the hall, for sure somewhere around the central bar on
the main square.

More seriously Francesco, I can also send you a list of all the official
dealers and the "side-dealers" who share (or sub-hire ?) some tables,
for your compilation. The more we are and the more we know on
each-other, the funnier.

I much regret not being with you in Munich. But my mind is with you all
and I won't be surprised if I recover my best health with all your
"prosits" during the party...

For your best records or memories, next year, Ensisheim show is
scheduled on
Friday-Sunday, June 16-18, 2006,
again just before St Marie.

Happy hunting and take care!


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