[meteorite-list] "The metal is ground to powder, then mixed with flour"

From: chris aubeck <caubeck_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Sep 12 05:25:23 2005
Message-ID: <3a5693b305091202255e50b1fa_at_mail.gmail.com>

I was just wondering, how would people have ground meteoric metal to a
powder in 1888?


Michigan | Saint Joseph | St Joseph Herald | 1888-12-01

The Walloons of Belgium are
about tho most superstitious people in
the world. Ono of their beliefs is
that an aerolite is an infallible means
of discovering a thief. The metal is
ground to powder, then mixed with
flour, and mado into bread. A thief
can not swallow an otom of the
aerolite bread, and his attempt to do
so at once exposes him; that is to say,
the Walloons believe it will expose
Received on Mon 12 Sep 2005 05:25:19 AM PDT

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